Solo exhibitions
'The Gray Area' at Nomad Art Zone, Silver Spring MD, March, 2023
'Lines of Identity' at Harmony Hall Arts Center, Fort Washington, MD. September, 2021
‘Open air Exhibition’ at Aklilu’s Studio, Silver Spring, MD, USA, Aug, 2020
'unity' at Ethiopian Embassy Washington DC,USA, Oct, 2019
‘Aklilu Temesgen’ Artfull gallery and framing, Washington DC, USA, 2017
‘‘Ethiopian artist Aklilu’’ Staromiejski, Cultural center,Old TownWarsaw, Poland, 2016
“Tebtanakntabikelemoch” Taitu international art center, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 2014
5Art studio, Addis Ababa,Ethiopia,2012
Ethiopian Embassy,Paris,France,2011
‘Aklilu Temesgen’ alliance Français,A.A,Ethiopia,2010
“I am” Gojo ART Gallery A.A, 2009
‘My life ‘Habesha Art Gallery A.A, 2007
‘Playing with color, Makush art Gallery, A.A, 2007
‘Women’s sprit’ Hilton Hotel A.A, 2006
Group Exhibitions
'Felega Identity' @three-whistles , Arlington, VA. 2023
The 9th Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, China, 2022
''Black artists in their own realm'' Calabar gallery, New York, NY. July, 2021
Washington Performing Arts Gala, Washington DC, USA, Feburary, 2020
Takataka Treasure Arts Kenya, group exhibition, Nairobi, Kenya, September 2018
Ethiopian day ’Tibebe Lazawent’, Silver Spring Civic Center, July 2, Silver Spring USA, 2017
Ethiopian Odyssey II, 2100 Timber Point, Ada Michigan 49301, USA, 2016
Group art show with 5 art studio, CollegioEngenerio, Madrid, Spain, 2013
Annual art show, at Serenade art and food, Addis Ababa,2013
‘50 year anniversary of the African union’, Asham Africa, Debrezeit,2013
Annual art show, at Boston day spy, Addis Ababa,2012
National Museum, Addis Ababa, 2011
Back from Harar, Makush art gallery, Addis Ababa, 2011
5 art studio and gallery, Addis Ababa, 2011
Alliance-ethioFrançais, Addis Ababa, 2010
‘Insaka artists’ Lusaka, Zambia, 2010
“peace Journey in Africa” Sheraton Djibouti, Djibouti, 2009
“Mothers love” Sheraton Addis, A.A. 2009
‘kunstausstellung’ Frankfurt, Germany, 2008
‘Embryo’ at Asni Gallery, A.A 2008
Fashon Gala Dress paint show, Sheraton , A.A -2008
Free art Flega II, German cultural center A.A 2008
Ethiopian music Festival v’ at alliance ethiofransiais, Addis Ababa. 2006
Hilton Hotel, A.A 2004, 2005, 2006
Makush Art Gallery. A.A. 2003, 2006
Group exhibition Bulgarian embassy, A.A. 2005
Group exhibition organized by Makush Art Gallery at the American Embassy A.A. 2005
National Black fine art show, New York, U.S.A 2005
Addis oddisay by Addis Art Gallery, Losangeles U.S.A 2005
Olympiacos, Helenic Athlethics Association, Greec club A.A 2005
Two man show At German cultural center. With artist Zekiros T/Haimanot, Khartoum, Sudan. 2005
Municipal of Harar, Harar, 2004
Exhibition on HIV/AIDS, Ethiopian studies, A.A.U, 2004
Graduation exhibition, Alle School of Fine Arts A.A.U, 2004
Road and Travel, Theran, Iran, 2004
3rd Blen Art show ‘Celebrating the life of Skunder Boghossian, New York, U.S.A, 2004
Group exhibition, Alliance Ethiofransisis A.A, 2004
And Birr leandwegan’ Sheraton Addis, A.A,2003
Round Red’ Italian cultural center, A.A, 2003
Ambaras Hotel, Dessie, 2001
Cultural and sport minister Hall, 2001
Red cross society Hall, Dessie, 2000
· M.A. Lancaster University, in Culture, Media and Society, 2016.
· M.A. Addis Ababa University, Center for African Studies, in Intellectual African history and Culture, 2014.
· B.A. Addis Ababa University, School of Fine Arts and Design, in Painting with Distinction, 2004.
Courses in Painting, Drawing, Graphic art, Sculpture, Design, Art history, Computer graphics, Photography (for artists), Art education, Stage design And other supportive course.
· High school, at Hote high school, Dessie, from 1996-1999.
· Elementary school, From grade 1 up to 8 Memhir Akale World elementary school, Dessie, 1988-1995
403 rd International Conference on Education, Business, Humanities and Social Science, Dubai, UAE, November, 2020
Poetry Night, Taiytu Cultural and Educational Center, Silver Spring MD, USA, December, 2019
Future fest Kid museum festival, Silver Spring, MD, USA, September 2019
WEI International conference, Harvard University, Boston, USA, 2016 https://www.westeastinstitute.com/proceedings/2016-boston-presentations/
‘‘civil society in Poland. Establishing and leading NGO” Multicultural Centre, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Warsaw, Poland, May, 2016.
‘‘Europe regional conference, 2016’’ Open Society Foundations, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Children art workshop, at FundacjaUslyszecAfryke, Warsaw, Poland, 2016
Cultural leadership, governance and entrepreneurship” the Godown arts center, Nairobi, Kenya, 2014
‘Future memories’ international conference, Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa, 2014
“Sounds of change” international conference, Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa, 2014
“Wax: and: Gold’ international artists workshop, Netsa art village, Addis Ababa, 2013
“Capacity building for artists” Abro workshop, Netsa art village, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2010
Insaka Artists international residency and workshop, Lusaka, Zambia,2010
“Free art felega 3” at German cultural center Addis Ababa , 2009
“Free art felega 2” workshop at German cultural center in Addis Ababa, conducted by Yeanat Fanta Abate, form Germany, 2008.
Abro international workshop, Addis Ababa,Ethiopia,2008
Blue Nile friends work shop at Nubia studio (with Ethiopia, Kenya & Sudan artists),2007
With Sudanese female e artiest association, at German cultural institute in (Sudan),2005
-Children's art workshop’Project Abay’ East Silver spring elementary school, Silver Spring MD, August, 2020
-Children's art workshop at Future fest Kid museum festival, Silver Spring, MD, USA, September 2019
-Children's art workshop, for Ethiopian community, at Targeted school, Silver spring 2017
Children art workshop, at FundacjaUslyszecAfryke, Warsaw, Poland, 2016
-Children’s Art teaching at kololo elementary school, South Ethiopia, 2014
-Paintings at Black lion hospital children’s Cancer center, (with 5art studio members), Addis Ababa, 2013
-Voluntary art teacher at Joye center for Autistic children’s, Addis Ababa, 2012
-Art Therapy class at Yekatit 23 special needs school for the deaf, Addis Ababa, 2008
http://www.westeastinstitute. com/proceedings/2016-boston- presentations/
-Crestworth Artist Studios
-Ethiopian Visual Artists Association (EVVA)
-Netsa art village
-Five art studio's